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دانلود آهنگ Trials Of Love از سامی یوسف • ایران ترانه

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دانلود آهنگ Trials Of Love از سامی یوسف

دانلود آهنگ Trials Of Love از سامی یوسف

دانلود آهنگ Trials Of Love از سامی یوسف

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متن آهنگ Trials Of Love از سامی یوسف

آهنگ Trials Of Love از سامی یوسف

My life is not the same
When I’m too concerned by what they say
Why should I? When I have you
To doubt you would be the worst mistake

Deep inside I know
That amidst all the darkness
And everything, which makes no sense
I know that you exist
You are the light
That guides me through my darkest nights
That shows me right from wrong in life
In a world that often lies

Cause I don’t need anyone
Nor anything in life
But You
No I don’t need anyone
To show me my way
No I don’t need anyone
But You

Trials of life upon me
Are more precious than diamonds and gold
Tested with fire I may be
But I know I’ll come out stronger in this world

Deep inside I know
That amidst all the darkness
And everything, which makes no sense
I know that you exist
You are the light
That guides me through my darkest nights
That shows me right from wrong in life
In a world that often lies

Cause I don’t need anyone
Nor anything in life
But You
No I don’t need anyone
To show me my way
No I don’t need anyone
But You

I only want the things
You know is best for me
I’d gladly sacrifice
If that’s what you decree
I would break and
Mourn in eternity
Perish into the sea
If that’s what you want for me

دانلود آهنگ با کیفیت 320 دانلود آهنگ با کیفیت 128

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